Domestic Servant Registration Home Domestic Servant Registration Owner's InformationName* Full Name Wife / Son / Daughter of* Full Name Date of Birth:* DD slash MM slash YYYY Landline:Mobile No:*Phase:*1234567891112Phase 1 Sectors:*ABCDEJKLMNPPhase 2 Sectors:*QRSTUVPhase 3 Sectors:*WXXXYZPhase 4 Sectors:*AABBCCDDEEFFGGHHJJKKPhase 5 Sectors:*AAABCDEFGHJJJKLMPhase 6 Sectors:*ABCDEFGHJKLMNGOLF COURSE-PH-IGOLF COURSE-PH-IIGOLF COURSE-PH-IIIPhase 7 Sectors:*PQRSTUVWXYZPhase 8 Sectors:*ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYD FD GV CPhase 9 Sectors:*ABCDEPhase 11 Sectors:*1A1B1C1D1E2F2G2H2J2K2L2M2N2P3A3BPhase 12 Sectors:*ABCDEFGHJHouse No:*Owner CNIC (Front):*Max. file size: 32 MB.Owner CNIC (Back):*Max. file size: 32 MB.Servant's Information Name Wife / Son / Daughter of Date of Birth: Gender: Mobile No: Work As: CNIC: Work As (In-case of other) Position: Current Address Permanent Address Servant's CNIC or Form-B: Form-B: Photo: CNIC (Front): CNIC (Back): Actions Edit Delete There are no Entries. Add Entry Maximum number of entries reached. Owner will insure the followings: 1. Return Card to DHA Security on termination of service of the servant /maid. 2. Domestic Servant's Card will not be prepared on the authority of Parents or Husband CNIC.Consent* I agreed that the above mentioned information is accurate to the best of my knowledge.