Residents can lodge following requests through E-Mail or signed request on plain paper.

  1. Road Repair.
  2. Zebra Crossing.
  3. Traffic Signal Installation.
  4. Speed Limit Sign.
  5. Street Sign Board.
  6. Convex Mirror placement.
  7. Speed Breaker.

Residents can lodge following requests through E-mail/Phone/Visit.

  1. Stray Animal.
  2. 2. Mosquito Spray / Fumigation.

Residents can lodge following requests through E-Mail or signed request on plain paper.

  1. Mosque
  2. DHA Boundary Wall.
  3. Facilities (Parks, Public areas etc).
  4. Street Light.

Residents can lodge following requests through E-Mail or signed request on plain paper.

  1. Garbage Collection.
  2. Main Sewerage Line Repair(Leakage/Blockage).
  3. Storm Water Drainage.
  4. Litter Disposal.
  5. Garbage bag delivery.
  6. Cleanliness of plot.
  7. Temporary Sewerage Connection.

Residents can lodge following requests through E-Mail or signed request on plain paper.

  1. Installation of street light.
  2. Removal of electricity wires.

Residents can lodge following requests through E-Mail or signed request on plain paper.

  1. Observations & complaints about Bus Stops.
  2. Permission for Security Grill.
  3. Ground Leveling.
  4. Complaint against neighbors.
  5. Removal of underground pipes (Gas or Water).

New Water and Sewerage Connection

Residents are required to apply for new connection after completion of house construction, Following documents are required:-

  1. Signed application form for new water and sewerage connection.
  2. Copy of Computerized National Identity Card.
  3. Paid challan of Rs. 5000 for home completion / sewerage opening and Rs. 10000 for water connection

Water Supply Line (Leakage / Blockage)

Residents can lodge signed request on a plain paper for repairs. Following documents are required:-

  1. Application to Director Maintenance, DHA Lahore.
  2. Copy of Computerized National Identity Card.
  3. Cost will be determined after survey Rs. 10000 + 500/- (if valve replacement is required­).

Water Restoration Request

Residents can lodge signed request on a plain paper. Following documents are required:-

  1. Application to Director Maintenance, DHA Lahore.
  2. Copy of Computerized National Identity Card.
  3. Paid challan of Rs. 3000/-

Cleaning of Septic Tank

Residents can lodge signed request on a plain paper. Following documents are required:-

  1. Application to Director Maintenance, DHA Lahore.
  2. Copy of Computerized National Identity Card.
  3. Paid challan of Rs. 5000/-

DHA Complaint Cells Locations :-

  1. Ph-I to Ph-IV Complaint Cell (Over Head Water Tank Sector- A Ph-I).
  2. Ph-V Complaint Cell (Over Head Water Tank Sector- A Ph-V).
  3. Ph VI Complaint Cell (Over Head Water Tank Sector- B Ph-VI).
  4. Ph VIII Complaint Cell (Over Head Water Tank Sector- A Ph-VIII).

Documents Required

  1. Copy of Computerized National Identity Card of owner and deceased.
  2. Copy of Allotment / Transfer Letter of owner.
  3. Proof of relationship with owner of plot / house / building.


  1. The required documents should be submitted at the DHA Complaint Center, located under Overhead Water Tank, Sector A, Phase-I.
  2. DHA Security Staff will verify the death and Building Control Branch will confirm the eligibility of deceased for burial in DHA Graveyard.
  3. Ambulance and necessities of ghusal as mentioned above will be provided by DHA Lahore.


  1. Photocopy of CNIC of Owner, Deceased and Applicant.
  2. . Photocopy of Allotment Letter.
  3.  In case Applicant / Owner is daughter, Nikah Nama / Any certificate showing her relationship as daughter will be required.

Download Application Form


  1. The required documents should be submitted at the Customer Care Services (Maintenance section) by the applicant.
  2. Burial Certificate will be received from Maintenance Branch, DHA office.


  1. Photocopy of CNIC of Owner, Deceased and Applicant.
  2. Approved Drawing for Grave.

(Download) Grave Solidification Form


  • Processing time for burial certificate is 3 x working days.
  • Grave soldification time is 1 x working day.

Documents Required

  1. Application for debris removal. (Download)
  2. Photocopy of paid challan of debris charges.


The required documents should be submitted at the Customer Care Services (Maintenance section) by the applicant.

Documents Required

  1. Application from Owner / Attorney.
  2. Copy of Computerized National Identity Card of Owner.
  3. Copy of Allotment / Transfer Letter.


  1. The required documents should be submitted at the Customer Care Services by the applicant.
  2. Permission will be granted and approval letter will be dispatched to Owner / Tenant after site verification.

Documents Required

  1. Application from Owner / Attorney.
  2. Copy of Computerized National Identity Card of Owners.


  1. The required documents should be submitted at the Customer Care Services.
  2. DHA field staff will visit the site.
  3. Tree will be cut / trimmed at site.