Frequently Asked Questions
Public hours: Monday to Friday 9:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Lunch hour: Monday to Thursday 1:00 to 2:00 and on Friday 12:30 to 2:00
- DHA has introduced multipurpose Senior Citizen Card for entry in DHA parks, library, parking in Mosques, commercial areas and clubs.
- DHA Club offers 50% rebate on membership fee, monthly subscription, sports facilities and designated space in car parks.
- DHA Medical Centre offers special discounted rates for outdoor/indoor treatment and complete medical checkup. A special 10% discount at CSH Pharmacy is also offered on every visit.
- The form is available online and at DHA office.
- Completed form along with required documents has to be submitted at DHA office.
For more details, kindly visit Facilitation Desk
Following are the Complaint Cells:
- Ph-I to Ph-IV Complaint Cell (Over Head Water Tank Sector- A Ph-I). Contact no. 042-35734311
- Ph-V Complaint Cell (Over Head Water Tank Sector- K Ph-V). Contact no. 042-37176043
- Ph VI Complaint Cell (Over Head Water Tank Sector- B Ph-VI). Contact no. 042-37016922
- Ph VIII Complaint Cell (Over Head Water Tank Sector- A Ph-VIII). Contact no. 042-36173627
Before the construction, resident/owner should apply and obtain the following:
- Site plan
- Drawings Approval
- Demarcation
For detailed procedure kindly visit Building Control Procedure
Kindly visit Rules and Regulations
For the issuance of duplicate transfer/allotment letter, kindly submit the following documents and receive the duplicate letter after 30 working days:-
- Covering Letter requesting for issuance of duplicate letter.
- Affidavit (duly attested by Oath Commissioner).
- Copy of Computerized National Identity Card (Duly attested by Army / Civil Gazetted officer /Regular Member).
- I. R regarding Loss of Allotment / Transfer letter.
- Advertisement in 2 news papers (Urdu + English).
- Paid challan for duplicate transfer/allotment letter of Rs. 10,500/-.
- Two recent photographs, duly attested.
- Associate Membership Form available for Rs.350/- at the Finance window-5A, DHA Office
To apply for the duplicate site plan, kindly submit the following and receive the requested document within 12 working days:-
- A signed application to Director Building Control.
- 1 photocopy of Computerized National Identity Card.
- 1 photocopy of paid voucher for the duplicate site plan charges Rs:650/-.
To apply for the duplicate completion certificate, kindly submit the following and receive the requested document within 12 working days:-
- A signed application to Director Building Control requesting for the issuance of duplicate completion certificate.
- 1 photocopy of Computerized National Identity Card.
- 1 photocopy of paid voucher for the duplicate completion certificate Rs: 650/-.
Submit the required documents with the architect’s profile for its approval at Customer Care Centre.
- Copy of Bachelor Architecture Degree.
- Registration with Pakistan Council of Arts & Town Planners.
- Copy of Card Issued by Pakistan Council of Arts & Town Planners.
- Computerized National Identity Card of the Chief Executive Officer /Principal Architect.
- List of Architect team with bio-data of each individual.
- Registration with other departments/authorities.
- Company Profile.
- Specimen signatures on letter head paper with stamp.
- Pay order/Bank Draft for Rs.5, 000 (Rupees five thousand only) in the name of DHA Lahore, as processing fee.
- Certificate of M.Sc. Structural Engineer.
- National Tax Number (NTN) certificate.
Note: All documents must be attested for the endorsement.
Submit the following documents:-
- Dealers registration form.
- Photo Copy of Computerized National Identity Card duly attested.
- 2 Photographs 1×1.
- Challan form for Rs.40,000/- for first time & Rs.10,000/- in case of renewal.
- Certificate of registration issued by Excise & Taxation.
- National Tax Number (NTN).
- Undertaking on stamp paper worth Rs.20/-
- Recommendation of President DHA Estate Agents Association (Reg) Lahore Cantt.
Note: Kindly submit completed documents at DHA office.
Send a written request to Director Marketing DHA Lahore for permission of placing signboards in DHA.
Contact – + 92 42 111 – 342 – 547 (111–DHA-LHR)
Kindly visit DHA Service Company at K-94, phase-I for the availability of plot details.
Contact – 042-35749045-47
For assistance on the property prices, kindly contact DHA property exchange for the updated information.
Contact – 111-342-547 (Ext 127 / 100)
Kindly visit the Club or J Block website or contact:-
- DHA Club- J block: Tel # 042-39264413, 35723984-5
- DHA Club- R block: Tel # 042-35892143
- DHA Club FF block: Tel # 042-35743450-1
Kindly visit the Club or J Block website or contact:-
- DHA Club- J block: Tel # 042-39264413, 35723984-5
- DHA Club- R block: Tel # 042-35892143
- DHA Club FF block: Tel # 042-35743450-1
You have to visit DHA main office at counter # 1 and request for a duplicate water bill.
For detailed information kindly visit Transfer Procedure
Yes, the following conditions are applicable for permission:
- Generator set to be installed in basement/front lawn 5 ft away from common boundary wall.
- Generator set must be installed with sound proof canopy.
- Maximum capacity of generator is 25KVA.
- Generator set will not be used as prime supply but only in failure of WAPDA/LESCO power supply.
Note: For placement in Commercial building kindly visit Facilitation Desk